Resolve Printing issues with Citrix and Terminal servers

Printer info: Synergize printer is a virtual printer that is designed to accept various types of documents(pdf, jpeg, word, Excel etc..) and print out a tiff image with Synergize compatible format. It uses ActMask Drivers and also depends on .net Framework4.0 to operate. Printer operates on both 64-bit and 32-bit operating systems with same install package.

Synergize Printer(1.3.14 version and below) have compatibility issues with Citrix servers and Terminal servers. Below are the logged issues and suggested fixes.


- Printer does not show up in the list that allows user to select during printing an invoice from TMW applications.

- When a printer is shared from a regular server and accessed through Citrix apps or through terminal server, it shows the following behavior.

  • PEG control number from TMW Suite is not fetched as the invoice document name during the print job.
  • Printer queue gets filled with the print jobs names as 'Citrix ICA PrintJobs' which are invalid and spool fails.
  • Printed invoices doesn't get to the destination folder and gets struck in temp directory in ProgramData.
  • Print jobs never reaches print spooler on the server.


Recommended Solutions:

- It is preferred to install Synergize Printer instance on the Citrix server and make it available to the end users who uses Citrix sessions.

- If it is a terminal server or a Citrix server, then printer install must be done by changing server mode to install.

- Printer application is a stand alone application and it can be installed on user machines as well. Instead of accessing printer from share over the network, a new instance can be installed on local machine and files can be redirected to the server shared drive. This way documents gets to spool on client machine itself.

- If a printer is installed and shared from one of the Synergize server, and is accessed through Citrix applications from the share here are few necessary steps to follow.

  • Make sure every user have full permissions over destination folder that is setup in configure printers section during the install.
  • It is advised to share printer without any special characters in its share name(_ and - characters can be used if needed to).
  • Give permissions to all users over the printer.
  • Printer can be shared using Active Directory. Create a new group policy for Synergize printer instance in Active Directory and apply the policy to all citrix and local users. Printer needs to be added to 'deployed printers' section available under policies tab. Steps to do this can be found in this article:


Compatibility details:

- Synergize Printer version 1.3.14 is compatible with Windows 8 and lower client OS and Windows server 2012 R2 and lower versions.
- Synergize Printer version 1.3.18 is designed to work with Windows 10.

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