How to check on a process in SPS

Purpose of this article is to explain where to find Synergize Process Server(SPS) Designer, how to open and how to check on a specific process.

Section 1: Where to find SPS Designer?

Synergize process server is an automation tool usually installed on windows server. Synergize process server application is mostly installed on separate server where in some cases it is installed on Synergize server itself. 

Connect to your SPS server and you can locate SPS designer executable using one of the following ways:

1. If you are logged in as administrator, you should see a Synergize Process Designer.msc - shortcut on desktop.


2. If there is no shortcut on desktop, try checking below folders to find Synergize Process Designer.msc file.

  • C:\Program Files\Microdea\Synergize Process Server (if your SPS version is or lower)
  • C:\Program Files\Microdea\Synergize Process Designer (if SPS version is > 14.0)


Section 2: How to open SPS designer?

Note: If there is a process designer window open on server already, there is a good chance it was left open from long time and what you see on it may not be the accurate. Please close the designer and open it again. Closing the designer window does not mean you are stopping anything from running. Processes will continue to function based on a service but not based on designer.


Locate SPS designer using steps in Section 1, then double click on shortcut or Synergize Process Designer.msc to open the designer. Designer similar to below should open. Click on expand arrow to see processes list.



If you notice any error at this level, SPS service may not be running or having issues launching the designer. Check this articles on how to restart SPS service 


Section 3: How to check on a specific process?

1. Select the process, right click on it, select Process Overview if its not already selected.



2. Process overview looks like below. 


  • Process Information section shows the name, version and description(if configured).
  • Process Status section shows the status of process. Available options are Stopped, Waiting, Running, Faulted and Disabled. 
    • Stopped: If stopped, Message section shows the reason or you can check Activity log below to find out the reason.
    • Waiting: Processes goes into waiting state between each trigger. Triggers can be anywhere from 1 seconds to 24 hours.
    • Running: Process is in middle of processing a document.
    • Faulted: An error occurred and process has stopped. 
    • Disabled: A process that is not used and left disabled.
  • If process is stopped or Faulted, review the error message and click on start. If it continues to stop, contact support for further assistance. mceclip5.png
  • Red Square or Red X on a process name means there is an error and process got stopped. Click on the process, be on Process Overview mode and look under activity log or message section to understand why its stopped or faulted. You can choose to start the process back using above step. If you need help to investigate reason for errors, please log a support ticket. mceclip7.png
  • If process you want to verify is already in running or waiting state, verify the timestamp on when it last ran. If time is close to current machine time, let the process run and monitor the messages to see if there are any red or green messages. Green are warnings and Red color messages are errors. If its stuck at any date and time, try to stop the process and start it or even try restarting whole service. If help required, please contact support.mceclip8.png
  • Once you are done verifying, close the designer window before getting off server.



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