How To: Adding and Removing COM+ Objects

Certain issues and tasks sometimes require that the Synergize COM+ objects be re-created. Below are the steps required in order to successfully re-create the objects.


NOTE: Please ensure no users and/or processes are connected/running when performing this task.

MUST: Before proceeding to step 1, go through step 4, 5 and 6 and identify which AD account is configured under identity section. We will have to set the identity back to the same user after performing steps 1, 2 and 3. 

1. Log-in to the Synergize Application Server with Local Administrator rights and launch Synergize EMC

2. Shutdown and Remove both COM+ Application and COM+ Admin Application as shown below:


   Hit YES when prompted and verify the the Application was removed successfully


3.  Hit the "Create Application" button. Check for the status if it says "Created"

4. Go to Windows Start > All Programs > Component Services to open up the Windows Component Services. Expand the console root to show COM+ Applications.

5. Modify the identity of both Synergize and SynergizeMgmt applications by performing a right-click > properties > identity > this user on each object.


 6. Use a domain account with Local Admin privileges on the server [you are logged on] and hit OK.

7. Log in to Synergize Explorer to test the COM+ objects


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