Getting TRYUSERis set to NO message when user tries to save indexed documents.
Cannot Log on. User is currently logged on and argument TRYUSERis set to NO. Keep storing documents?
The error message only happens when Synergize Indexing is used with Scan and Capture with no Kofax "File Import" source set.
File Import is required by Scan and Capture with images scanned with AIPE scan source. This allows the application to store the barcode and other values detected on scan to the image when the "save" button is hit.
1. Verify if the Source for File Import is created in Kofax. If not, create a new File Import Source using the source type: "Kofax Software - Import from disk without image processing" [Please note that this requires the scan source to use AIPE]
2. Launch Synergize Scan and Capture [as admin] and go to Preferences > File Import and add the configure "File Import" in the Disk Import pull down menu. Hit OK
NOTE: A message might pop up after hitting OK but it can be disregarded as it is part of adding the source.