Synergize Indexing generates an error when opening an scenario: No Synergize servers found in deployment


Indexing scenario will not load with error “No Synergize servers found in deployment” even after installing application with admin rights. Version is 2007x.



Verify all SynUtilities.dll locations. Do this by using the search function in Windows explorer within the Program Files (x86) folder. There should be one in C:\Program Files (x86)\Synergize Client and another in C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microdea.

It is likely that the SynUtilities.dll file in the Common Files folder is outdated and needs to be replaced with the SynUtilities.dll file in the Synergize Client folder. Copy the DLL from Synergize Client folder and paste it in the Common Files folder.

Once the DLL in the Common Files folder has been replaced, test with users to ensure it is working as expected.

If not, the DLL will need to be unregistered then re-registered before testing again.


If there are any issues with this, contact support at 905-881-6071 ext. 290 or email

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