How To: Find a document in a repository Storage Profile


This article describes how to locate a document in the client' repository Storage Profile. This is helpful when a client attempts to preview a document in Synergize Web Explorer or Synergize Explorer and returns a "contact system administrator" message. 



  1. From Synergize Web Explorer or Synergize Explorer right-click on the document then select Properties and go to Custom tab. Afterwards click on the Show Field Info… button and get the In_DocID.

   2. Go to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and query the database using the following: select * from dbo.Main WHERE In_DocID = 'In_DocID' . From the query results window get the In_DocLocation value.

Note: The database will have the same name as the repository where the document exists



  3. Using EMC, expand the repository's Storage Profiles node and locate the path for the profile.


 4. Navigate to the location hosting the files and from Folder Options uncheck the Hide protected operating system files and select Show hidden files, folders, and drives. Afterwards hit the Apply button and then OK.

 5. Navigate to the document (ex. Syn3)

Note: If the file or files are missing the client may need to restore folder from a backup 

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