How to Increase DB field length for Synergize Fields


This article describes how to increase DB field length for Synergize Fields. 


  1. Backup Repository DB
  2. Make sure all users are disconnected from Synergize.

 How to identify if the field is a parent or child field

  1. Launch EMC
  2. Navigate to Tenants, Repositories, expand your Repository Node
  3. Click Fields, check if your field in the list. If yes, It’s parent field

4. If not, it’s child field

 In SQL Management Studio, Click Tools, Click Designers, Uncheck “Prevent saving changes that require table re-creating”, Click OK.

 If field is parent field

  In this example, I am increasing the firstname field limit from 5 to 255 characters

  1. Connect to Repository DataBase through SQL(In this example, I am connecting to the AP Repository DB)
  2. Navigate to FieldsDesc table, rightclick and click Edit top 200 rows. 
  3. Look for firstname under In_FieldName column and increase the field length from 5 to 255 under In_FieldLength (Firstname is my example field in this scenario)

    Old settings:

    New Settings: 

4. Click File, click Save All

5.Navigate to main table, right-click and click Design.

6. Look for firstname, under Column properties, increase the length property from 5 to 255 (Firstname is my example field in this scenario)

7. Close EMC and reset IIS

8. To reset IIS, Open CMD, Type IISRESET and hit enter

 9. Relaunch EMC.

10. If you are using SPS, Stop all process and restart SPS service.

11. To restart SPS service, follow below article

12. To restart BulkPrint service, follow below article

If you are increasing the field character limit for child a field

Identify child field

  1. Launch EMC
  2. Navigate to Tenants, Repositories, expand your Repository Node
  3. Click Schema, and double click last one in the list and verify if you can see the field you want to modify.

 If field is child field

  1. Navigate to FieldsDesc table, rightclick and click Edit top 200 rows.
  2. Look for your field name and increase the value(In this example, I am increasing probill number from 5 to 255)
  3. Navigate to Billno (In this case, Billno is my schema under EMC) table, rightclick and click Design look for probillnumber
  4. Change value to varchar(255) under Data Type, click File Save All
  5. Close EMC and reset IIS
  6. To reset IIS, Open CMD, Type IISRESET and hit enter

7. Relaunch EMC

8. In SQL Management Studio, Click Tools, Click Designers, check “Prevent saving changes that require table re-creating”, Click OK.



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