How To: Check Synergize Services After Restarting Synergize Servers


This article will guide you how to check Synergize services and options after restarting Synergize Servers. 


Synergize Connection Service (on Synergize Server)

1. On the Synergize server launch Services

2. Search Synergize Connection Service and make sure the service is started


Synergize BulkPrint Service 

1. Open Services application, check for Synergize BulkPrint service (On BulkPrint Server)

2. Make sure the service is in start mode. If not, right click, click start 

3. Click Start, Search for Bulk Print application and open Bulk Print application 

4. Right click Bulk Print application in System Tray and check if tracing is enabled 

5. If tracing is not enabled, click tracing option. 


Synergize Process server Service 

1. Open Services application, check for Synergize process service (On Process server)

2. Make sure the service is in start mode. If not, right click, click start 

3. Open Synergize Process Designer and wait for few seconds to show all process 

4. Click on each process and make sure they are running 

- Expand the process 

- Make sure the process icon turns Blue/Green

Blue - The Process is running and is in Idle state

Green - The Process is processing documents



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