How to release Checked-Out documents from Synergize


Purpose of this article is to show how to clear checked-out locks on the document. If a user checked-out the document, only same user can check-in the document. If for any reason user is not able to check-in the document from same workstation/login, document will be locked to specific user.


Follow the steps listed below to identify the document and remove checked-out flags on the document. These steps are performed on the Synergize repository database. Please take precautions when running following queries. If you are unsure of steps, please reach out to Synergize support team for assistance. 


Step 1:

Find the document that is checked-out by a user and locked out. Right click on the document, select Version Control to confirm Check Out option is greyed out as shown below.




Step 2: 

Find the Syn ID for the document in question. Right click on the document and select Properties



Under Properties window, select Custom tab, click on Show Field Info. Syn ID for current document will be listed beside In_DocID as shown below.



Step 3:

Login into Synergize associated SQL server and browse to repository database. Expand Tables node and find the CheckedOurDocs table as shown below.



Step 4:

Open new Query Editor Window and run following command: 

*Please note repository name is DELIVERYDOCS and the Document ID is Syn31 are used to narrate the example. Change the values according to your data. 



This will show which user locked the file, on which machine and the location where document is checked-out to. 


Step 5:

Run following query to remove this entry from CheckedOurDocs table. This step is required if you are to remove the checked-out lock on the document.




Step 6:

Find the document entry in Main table within same repository table.

Run the following query to find the row.


Step 7: 

To release the document, assign NULL to In_DocSignedTo field for this specific row in Main table.

Run following query to assign NULL. Please be cautious and do not forget to use Where command.



Step 8:

Document should be reverted to original state after these steps. Go back to explorer and find the document, right click and navigate to Version Control option, and the Checked Out option should be active as shown below.





If there are any questions while following the above article, please reach out to Synergize support for further assistance.



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